Q & A: A “Speedy” Reporters’ Take on Social Media

(Photo courtesy of Monica Palumbo Hancock)
Monica Palumbo Hancock has been a co-host for the Ace and TJ show and a beat reporter for NASCAR Race Hub at FS1. She also works directly with racing fans during seasonal events reporting at Charlotte Motor Speedway. Now, she has taken on the additional role of motherhood. 

Q) How has your use of social media changed from the beginning of your career?

A) It has changed completely! We didn’t have Twitter or Instagram which is one of the main outlets for communicating these days. I literally had to hand out business cards to drive people to first, join Twitter and follow along! Did that for almost two years, then Twitter took off.

Q) Do you find outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. effective? Why?

A) Yes very effective. It has become the common space where people look for information and check multiple times a day. Plus you’re able to get and/or report immediate information, especially on Twitter.

Q) Do you feel that you are able to connect more with your audience by using these outlets?

A) Absolutely! Social media seems to be the only way to communicate these days. I still watch the news. However, if I want my information immediately, I go straight to social media. I don’t have to wait for the 5 o’clock news.

Plus, you’re able to connect in a way that is personal. It is not an email. Twitter works like a live text. You’re basically texting your audience. Plus when you add pictures and your thoughts…its makes your audiences feel like they really know you.

Q) Which outlet is your favorite to use as a reporter? Why?

A) As far as reporting goes, definitely Twitter. Twitter seems to be the most driven with news information. It is a stream of information. People can respond right away, favorite, retweet (to get word out) etc. Whereas Facebook, you may see something that happened hours/ days ago that pop up on your news feed. It is not timely for reporting

Q) Social media makes it easier for listeners/ readers to interact by sharing their thoughts and opinions. Reflecting on your experiences in radio, did you find this newer connection helpful? Was it more of an advantage or disadvantage?

A) Definitely an advantage! I would keep all my social media sites up during my on-air (radio hours) where listeners could give an opinion and I would bring it up in conversation. It worked very well and made the listener feel more connected with the show. And appreciated! The only disadvantage is when people get rude/ hurtful. Social media also makes it easier for a person to hide behind a computer screen and say nasty things. Not cool!

Q) Personally, do you prefer to use social media over other forms of communication?

A) As far as for work, yes. It is a way to brand yourself, connect with your audience, state your thoughts, etc…But there is still a barrier. You’re using an app. It is not a direct text message. For personal use, I like to call, text and I’m a huge fan of sending letters!! Keep this alive. There is nothing better than getting a letter/ card in the mail.

Q) Have you ever been fearful or reserved about what you post or share on social media?

A) Every post. I tend to over think them. I feel as though once you hit the send button it is out there. And you have to be careful, it can and will affect your career.

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